She was bootless and earnest. Her
name was Lively and I met her in front of a forest. “Hello,” she said and then
pronounced my name so strangely that I first couldn’t recognize it. Then,
I realized I’ve never seen her so how did she know my name? I asked her. She
was so unusually dressed that thoughts about her age and ancestry came into my
mind but I drove them out.
“My name is Lively. I know you
because you are alive. I know everyone who pays me visit and enters to life.”
Her face was full of knowledge and wisdom although she couldn’t be more than
fifteen. “I don’t understand. I’ve never seen you before.” “But of course you have.”
It was the first moment I saw her smile. “I know nothing about it,” I refused. “Moreover,
you are far younger than I so that you couldn’t know me when I used to be a
baby!” I added. It was a crushing superiority of relevant facts and I was sure
about my being right.
“You think I am far younger. You
have never been thinking about life, have you?” Her searching look pierced me
through. Her eyes were lightening with bright green and contrasting with her
long wavy blond hair.
“Lively, you have no right to
question me. What is your name like? You’ve certainly lied to me. It is nonsense
to be named like that. I don’t believe you a word!” I suddenly became
incredibly angry for a moment. She seemed to get dumpish. Her voice was
strangely high but agreeable for listening. I started almost to regret her when
I realised how little and fragile creature she is. “I knew you will not
understand. Why must I try it again and again?” She seemed not to notice my
presence. “Every time you burn and never moralize. For life of mankind, do it never
again.” My feelings turned into deep regret.
I just had to find out who she
was. “Who are you?” “I’ve told you. I am Lively.” “But what does that mean?” “That
means that I am cursed to stay alive in a childish body and never to die when I
am Lively. It means I will be staying here till I am renamed.” “Renamed? It
suffices? It’s easy, isn’t it?” “You don’t understand. Nobody understands.” “So
what should you do to die? Well, do you really wish to die? I mean, in fact, it
isn’t bad, don’t get old. I would take it joyfully!” “Oh, my little fool! Do
you know how old I am? What time does mean for me? ‘Tis nothing! All! This
entire world is full of emptiness, but what emptiness! I am an example of
immortality and you ask me whether I would rather die! Of course I would! This
world is like a trap and do you know what is beyond? It is all based on hate
and evil! There is no iron inside this piece of earth, no metal, there is no
earth at all, it isn’t more than a little empty bubble of people’s stupidity!”
She was crying and gesticulating wildly, her eyes became full of fire. But
then, suddenly, it all disappeared. She kindly turned to me and started again with
that smooth voice and peaceful smile.
“But you are an exemplar. I might
explore you, not? I might explore what a mankind means but it will only show
that you are but an unsuccessful joke.” “Hey, Lively, stop. Please. I didn’t
want to provoke you, really not.” “This is always like this. I just wanted to
make a friend. Young friend, you know, the old die too soon. I wouldn’t do many
things with an old friend, one doesn’t actually catch it.” A monologue started
again. “You seemed hopefully. But now... what should I think of you after this
all? You will come to yours and call police. Then, they will be looking for me
all the week, needlessly. What do you think you will reach by this? They will
think you got mad. I will never be found until I want it myself. No human will
ever be a friend of mine.” “Indeed. No human,” I agreed. She was slowly
becoming gravel-voiced. Her speech was more and more silent. I had to make
effort to hear her.
“Nature is destined to be my friend.
I am supposed to talk with my loneliness and to feel happy in a centre of an
empty joke. Ok, I will try. Lively, you must get renamed.” “But how could you
get renamed?” “Only by some ritual I don’t know. There is some, I am sure of
it. But what is it like...” She sat down on cold earth. I wondered whether she
wasn’t cold. “I? Cold? Consider who I am.” “So... what about a new beginning? I
will call you differently. Which name do you like?” She laughed. “Do you really
think it is so easy? I am not only named Lively, I am Lively. I must become
someone else.” Lively seemed so sadly that I felt I really wanted to help her.
We were thinking about it but no idea appeared.
“Well, how did you get here?” Ideas
were coming through my mind without any effect. “I don’t know. I just am. I don’t
get anywhere, I am. I don’t walk anywhere, I think. I don’t think, I am.” “My
God, I don’t understand at all!” Lively nodded. “Yes, I am aware of the fact.” “And
couldn’t you just wish?” She smiled sadly. “Just wish? Do you think I’ve never
tried it? My little silly girl.” “Isn’t it possible through a human? I am a
human. You could become a human. You could try something else...” I hesitated
for a moment but then, in absolute despair, I hawked and pronounced: “I rename
you, you are not Lively any more, you are destined to die after all and to rest
calmly forever...”
In the moment a green flame
burst from her eyes I woke up. I was lying in front of the forest and that
morning, time has disappeared.
Přehled komentářů
Tak doufám, že ti tato povídka nebude narušovat spánek delší dobu :-D
Než cokoli jiného to byl spíš neodbytný nápad, idea postavy inspirovaná jedním filmem, myšlenka. Konec nebyl uvažován po celou dobu psaní, takže jsem se přiklonila ke klasice, kterou nazýváš zlem :-) Jak ale z úplného závěru vyplývá, sen to být nemohl, přestože tam náznak té možnosti je. No, nevím, byl to takový trénink. Povídka naostro bude... už brzy, ale nevím, jestli ji dám sem. Půjde do soutěže.
Ze sna rovnou do leknutí!
(dakgadan, 15. 4. 2010 1:56)
Ještě před chvílí se mi chtělo spát, ale po přečtení této povídky jsem dalo by se říci až nezdravě ožil..
Ačkoli se jistě nedá říci, že by šlo o kdovíjak originální prvek, strašně se mi líbí ten střet naivity a optimismu s poznáním "reality" a její bezvýchodností - lví podíl na tom jistě nese i výjimečnost postav(Lively..).
Co mě ale opravdu zklamalo je alespoň pro mě ničím zajímavý závěr, který mi příjemné plynutí děje a jeho postupnou gradaci poněkud narušil.
Ledaže bych ten závěr špatně pochopil a poslední část "that morning,time has disappeared" v sobě skrývala více než jsem ochoten připustit. Pokud tomu tak je, prosím o vysvětlení :)
Jestliže ne, jsem přesvědčen, že by příběhu prospělo dokonce i to, kdyby končil jednoduše " calmly forever..."(pokud bys nechtěla "komplikovanější" konec - třeba reakce vypravěčky na to, co učinila - sice taky žádný zlato, ale nejspíš by se to dalo pěkně rozvést..)
Chci říct, že už jsem prostě přesycen těmi zakončeními typu "byl to sen x nebyl to sen" kdy se hrdina probudí v nemocnici/v posteli u sebe doma/bůhví kde,... "nejlépe" ještě jakoby před začátkem příběhu.. To je prostě zlo!
(Elfairy, 15. 4. 2010 16:17)